In June 2010 Prague Watchdog completed its last project. This website will not be updated any more.
Focus Articles
North Caucasus terrorism and the search for funding May 27th 2010 Prague Watchdog / Dmitry Shlapentokh The proliferation of terrorist activity in the North Caucasus may be deeply connected with the jihadists’ attempts to acquire additional funds, which they badly need.
The West's approach to the Caucasus May 25th 2010 Prague Watchdog / Valery Dzutsev A stable political settlement in the South Caucasus can only be quickly achieved by a decisive change in the West’s approach.
Death in Europe (weekly review) May 5th 2010 Prague Watchdog / Vadim Borshchev Part of the blame lies with the refugees themselves, since when they apply for asylum the vast majority of them do not tell the truth, and claim to have been members of the resistance. · ALSO AVAILABLE IN:
War without end May 2nd 2010 Prague Watchdog / Sergei Markedonov The "emir" takes responsibility for the attacks, creating the impression of a powerful underground state whose citizens are "welded by a single purpose and connected by a single goal". · ALSO AVAILABLE IN:
Hello Sochi! April 30th 2010 Prague Watchdog / Usam Baysayev It turns out that there never was any decades-long resistance by the mountain tribes, that their villages were never burned down, they were never driven out by force, and General Zass with his trunkloads of Circassian skulls never existed. · ALSO AVAILABLE IN:
A marriage made in heaven (weekly review) April 28th 2010 Prague Watchdog / Vadim Borshchev The only changes in the license to kill have involved its extension from the territory of the war, first to Russia and then to the whole planet.
Zero casualties April 15th 2010 Prague Watchdog / German Sadulayev The commanders tried to minimize losses among Russian soldiers and officers. This led to the bombing and shelling, the tactic of not tackling the enemy head-on, but of blockading it and destroying it remotely. Along with casual spectators.
The list is incomplete April 8th 2010 Prague Watchdog / Usam Baysayev The hallmark of a terrorist act is violence directed against those who cannot defend themselves, and the securing of certain preferences by means of it. · ALSO AVAILABLE IN:
The evolution of terror (weekly review) April 7th 2010 Prague Watchdog / Vadim Borshchev The final stage in the development of the new terrorist strategy should be viewed as having been reached in late 2009, with the bombing of the Nevsky Express passenger train on November 27, in which 27 people died. · ALSO AVAILABLE IN:
All Articles
May 27th 2010 Prague Watchdog / Dmitry Shlapentokh North Caucasus terrorism and the search for funding The proliferation of terrorist activity in the North Caucasus may be deeply connected with the jihadists’ attempts to acquire additional funds, which they badly need.
May 25th 2010 Prague Watchdog / Valery Dzutsev The West's approach to the Caucasus A stable political settlement in the South Caucasus can only be quickly achieved by a decisive change in the West’s approach.
May 5th 2010 Prague Watchdog / Vadim Borshchev Death in Europe (weekly review) Part of the blame lies with the refugees themselves, since when they apply for asylum the vast majority of them do not tell the truth, and claim to have been members of the resistance. · ALSO AVAILABLE IN: |
May 2nd 2010 Prague Watchdog / Sergei Markedonov War without end The "emir" takes responsibility for the attacks, creating the impression of a powerful underground state whose citizens are "welded by a single purpose and connected by a single goal". · ALSO AVAILABLE IN: |
April 30th 2010 Prague Watchdog / Usam Baysayev Hello Sochi! It turns out that there never was any decades-long resistance by the mountain tribes, that their villages were never burned down, they were never driven out by force, and General Zass with his trunkloads of Circassian skulls never existed. · ALSO AVAILABLE IN: |
April 28th 2010 Prague Watchdog / Vadim Borshchev A marriage made in heaven (weekly review) The only changes in the license to kill have involved its extension from the territory of the war, first to Russia and then to the whole planet.
April 15th 2010 Prague Watchdog / German Sadulayev Zero casualties The commanders tried to minimize losses among Russian soldiers and officers. This led to the bombing and shelling, the tactic of not tackling the enemy head-on, but of blockading it and destroying it remotely. Along with casual spectators.
April 8th 2010 Prague Watchdog / Usam Baysayev The list is incomplete The hallmark of a terrorist act is violence directed against those who cannot defend themselves, and the securing of certain preferences by means of it. · ALSO AVAILABLE IN: |
April 7th 2010 Prague Watchdog / Vadim Borshchev The evolution of terror (weekly review) The final stage in the development of the new terrorist strategy should be viewed as having been reached in late 2009, with the bombing of the Nevsky Express passenger train on November 27, in which 27 people died. · ALSO AVAILABLE IN: |
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From the Blogosphere
October 5th 2009 Blogosphere The Chechen as the "alternative Russian" The Chechen is the alternative Russian. A Russian savage, mountain-dwelling, cruel and merciless – but a Russian not crushed by serfdom and the Bolshevik genocide and slavery. A Russian who "hid in the mountains in time". · ALSO AVAILABLE IN: |
September 17th 2009 Blogosphere Comrades of the Green Crescent "The Internet is littered with statements by scum who accuse the federal government of blowing up apartment houses to increase Putin's popularity rating. What nonsense! Our ratings are increased the Chubais way -- with boxloads of money." · ALSO AVAILABLE IN: |
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