And the mountains will remain |
What is really happening is that with the ending of the counter-terrorism operation in Chechnya another counter-terrorist operation is spreading to the whole of Russia. |
The war is lost, gentlemen! |
The underground, which knows how to survive under the heel of a wealthy state with no lack of funds or human reserves, will find a way of making holes in the fragile system of defence. |
How the bandits got their funding |
The set of concepts with which the Kremlin operates in the Caucasus and the active vocabulary it uses to describe the armed conflict in the region remains for the time being utterly threadbare. |
The Crusade hangs fire |
In the ninth year of the war experts say that the principal factor now blocking the effectiveness of Kadyrov’s forces is the position adopted by the Russian military. |
Fail grades in Russian and warfare |
The audacious attacks carried out by guerrillas in Chechnya during recent days have revealed the vulnerability of the military strategy the Kremlin has constructed in the rebel republic. |
The underground gets its second wind |
The Alkhazurovo raid in May, the similar attacks in Benoy, the shelling of a convoy near the village of Chishki, the shooting-up of an APC near Bamut: such is the incomplete list of recent sabotage actions by the Chechen underground. |