Nazran hosts events in memory of Anna PolitkovskayaBy Tomáš Vršovský
NAZRAN, Ingushetia – On Sunday October 7 Ingushetia’s largest city hosted two events in memory of journalist Anna Politkovskaya, who was murdered one year ago. Both events were organized by representatives of local non-governmental organizations.
In the morning there was an open-air performance in the back yard of a local temporary accommodation center by children from the Ingush village of Dalakovo, which is situated near the border with the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. After some opening speeches about Anna, the children gave a demonstration of their skills in theatre and dance. Under a banner reading "Anna, we remember you! We love you! We haven’t forgotten you!" they also recited a poem in the journalist’s memory. The event was organized by the Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Internally Displaced Persons.
In the afternoon another commemorative event took place, this time in the Ingush branch office of the Memorial Human Rights Centre. The meeting was addressed by human rights activists and people of other professions, many of whom had worked with Anna for a long time. A large number of students could be seen in the audience.
"Anna was one of those people who have dedicated themselves to the service of good in this profession of theirs. Unfortunately, in recent years the forces of evil in our region have felt themselves to be above the law... and any one of us could become their victim. But I often remember the words of one of the songs of Vysotsky: ‘If you don’t face the executioner and fight, your life will lose its sense and right,’ said one speaker.
The meeting ended with a screening of the film "Three Comrades" by the exiled Russian director Masha Novikova, which in a manner similar to Politkovskaya’s reports and articles convincingly portrays the harmful effect of the Chechen wars on the destiny of three friends, ordinary residents of the republic.
Just over a year ago, nine days after Politkovskaya’s death, a rally was held in Nazran in her memory. The demonstration was broken up and several of the participants were beaten and arrested by the Ingush police. None of the police officers responsible for the beatings have so far been punished.

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