Eight suggestions by German Sadulayev, special to Prague Watchdog
(Summary of a long Russian-language article).
1) Don’t blow yourself up.
2) Don’t blow up other people with you.
3) Don’t succumb to paranoia and see around you only pagans and enemies of Islam, while you remain the only worthy Muslim.
4) If you don’t know something or don’t know enough about it, don’t immediately hurl abuse at the unknown, just say – I don’t know. God will be pleased with your humility.
5) One should seek friends, not enemies. You will be amazed when you discover that you have more friends than you imagined, and that they are closer.
6) One should strive for holiness, not death.
7) I have never heard it said that a holy man is one who considers everyone his enemy.
8) But I have heard it said that a holy man is one who has no enemies.
Photo: ling-lung.blogspot.com. (Translation by DM) (P,DM/T)