ChKNS faces serious danger


Tomorrow, on June 2, 2005, in town Nazran of Republic Ingushetia in Nazranovsky district Court will be held the regular sitting on investigation of production of Prosecutor’s office of Republic Ingushetia about recognition the information materials of Regional Public Movement «Chechen Committee for National Salvation» are extremist.

As known, in production of Prosecutor’s office of Republic Ingushetia mentioned that: « specified materials have an extremist character and are directed towards fomentation of national discord and also rendering of another assistance realization of extremist activity that is expressed in condemnation and in discredit of activity of law machinery and justify actions of Illegal Armed Formations that are acting on territory of Chechen Republic».

Earlier we wrote that burden of evidence in civil trial is laid on plaintiff and in this connection the Federal judge Korigova entrusted to Prosecutor’s Office of Republic Ingushetia to produce the evidence to the Court that are supporting before-mentioned accusations about our organization, but on previous session this commission was ignored, as such evidence in the nature have not.

At the same time, «Chechen Committee for National Salvation» addressed the Court three solicitations about subjoining on case papers of civil matter the 12 press-releases are propagated by Internet and placed on our site, was the occasion of court examination.

Furthermore, by us also were filed applications to court about subjoining on case papers the three statements of experts of Independent Advisory-Legal Council and one statement of the Guild of Linguists–experts by documentation and informational disputes that are given by them as regards of our informational materials.

The Regional Public Movement «Chechen Committee for National Salvation» was established in Republic Ingushetia in March 4, 2001 with the purpose of realization of monitoring and circulation information about the situation of human rights and human freedoms in Chechen Republic and in Republic Ingushetia.

Whole activity of our organization is realized strictly under the Constitution of Russian Federation (article 29) and European Convention of human rights defense and fundamental freedoms (article 10) and in the context of movement’s Charter, and so to us rendering confidence such international institutions, as PACE, the Commission of the European Union and many others international organizations.

Since February 1, 2005 RPM «CCNS» carry out the work by realization of the project «Towards accountability for human rights violations in the North Caucasus», on which by the Commission of the European Union was awarded to us the grant. The accusations, addressed about us, we consider as disrespect for Commission of the European Union.

The present court examination by production of Prosecutor’s office of Republic Ingushetia that is commenced in July of 2004 and initiated by major-general Sergey Koryakov a former chief of Administration of Federal Security Service in Republic Ingushetia, who saw in informational materials anticonstitutional and antirussian character.

From source, trustworthy, is putted pressure upon Judge Molotkhan Korigova, by the governance of Supreme Court of Republic Ingushetia and by the Prosecutor’s office of Republic Ingushetia, persistently recommended to her to resolve «unique and sound decision».

We want remind that on February 10, 2005 in absence of representatives of our organization, Judicial College on civil cases of Supreme Court of Republic Ingushetia, the chairman of which is A-G. Chaniev, pronounced: «To reverse the conclusion of Nazranovsky district Court of Republic Ingushetia of the 25 of October, 2004 on case by production Public Prosecutor of Republic Ingushetia in behalf of Russian Federation to RPM «CCNS» about recognition of informational materials are extremist and to send a case for new judicial trial to the same court in differently constituted bench, Public Prosecutor’s production of cassation and appeal of privy to allow».

We are sure that all foresaid facts have a character of political order, was directed on liquidation of RPM «CCNS», but we hope nevertheless that Nazranovsky district Court, forced to engage by this case over again, will pronounce the legal and objective judgment.

(The text was not edited by Prague Watchdog, except for the headline).

Source: ChKNS



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