Yamadayevs expelled from Chechnya (weekly review) By Dzhambulat Are
GROZNY, Chechnya – The Vostok and Zapad battalions of the Russian defence ministry’s 42nd Motorized Division have been disbanded.
The disbanding of the two battalions was announced at a meeting with Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov by Col. Gen. Vladimir Moltenskoi, deputy commander of Russia’s land forces. He said that the entire personnel of both units were being sent on leave, and that the groups would soon be reorganized as motorized companies with a total strength of 200. A special commission will also be created under the auspices of the Russian defence ministry and the military prosecutor’s office to try the crimes that are alleged to have been committed by members of the Vostok battalion.
If this happens, it is highly probable that Sulim Yamadayev will not escape justice. At the height of the confrontation between Kadyrov and the Yamadayevs, ex-Vostok commander Sulim Yamadayev was incriminated by confessions given by the group’s Shatoi ex-commander Rasul Baimuradov and company commander Gurman Gadzhimuradov.
According to the Chechen president’s press service, the events were as follows. In September 2006, Sulim Yamadayev, accompanied by several dozen subordinates, raided the “Samson” meat processing plant in St. Petersburg. The fighters forced the plant’s director Khamzat Arsamakov to sign some documents. After a long "chat" with his captors, Khamzat was taken to hospital in a serious condition. Later Arsamakov filed written charges with the prosecutor's office, and criminal proceedings against Sulim Yamadayev were begun.
However, MIB Bank director Arsamakov’s older brothers Yunus (56) and Yusup (59) have been missing in Chechnya since February 8, 2007. According to Rasul Baimuradov’s confession, Yusup and Yunus were taken to Sulim Yamadayev. Then the Arsamakovs were abducted by Sulim’s younger brother Baddrudi, who shot and killed them. Their bodies were later found dismembered.
On November 7 this year, the Chechen interior ministry received a formal request that Sulim Yamadayev be sent to the Gudermessky district investigative unit for questioning. Yamadayev is the principal suspect in the case of the murder of a Gudermessky district resident committed ten years ago.
Ramzan Kadyrov can celebrate yet another victory over the enemy. The Kadyrovites welcomed Moltenskoi’s announcement of the disbanding of the two battalions by firing their assault rifles in the air and shouting “Allahu Akbar”.
But the victory cannot be viewed as final, as the fate of the heroes of varying calibre who have entered into conflict with Ramzan Kadyrov usually follows a uniform scenario. If they are unable to capitulate in time, they have to leave the confines of their frail bodies and take their repose in a better world. The invisible hand has already overtaken Sulim’s brother Ruslan. It is possible that the bitter cup will pass from the lips of the ex-Vostok commander, as his transfer to service in a location far removed from Chechnya can be seen as an attempt by the defence ministry to provide their subordinate with at least some protection.
The picture is borrowed from the website Realmusic.ru.
Previous weekly reviews can be read at http://www.watchdog.cz/weekly. (Translation by DM) (T)