The Kremlin-staged election of the President of the Chechen Republic

Dear readers, in summer we started publishing updated information on the election of the President of the Chechen Republic, which the Kremlin organized in Chechnya yesterday, on October 5, 2003. The following is a list of articles and other documents on the issue that we have so far published on our website:

Chechen Media and the Presidential Elections
October 27th 2003 Tamerlan Aliyev / CJES
A report on Chechen media in the run-up to the presidential elections in Chechnya, which were organised by Moscow on October 5.

Presidential elections in Chechnya cannot be considered free and democratic
October 11th 2003 Prague Watchdog / Adam Ledvina
The sole aim of these theatrics was to give legitimacy to the Moscow-appointed administrator of the republic.

How best to read Chechen election result
October 9th 2003 Prague Watchdog
In a land of high unemployment, corruption and brutality, it was not difficult to influence the electorate in his favor.

Rights defenders give conflicting accounts of election violations
October 8th 2003 Prague Watchdog / Timur Aliyev
They said as much at a press conference at the Chechen Election Commission in Grozny on October 6.

Kadyrov was the only candidate for Russian soldiers
October 6th 2003 Prague Watchdog
"We didn't even know the names of the other candidates," said Ilya, a Russian private guarding one of the check-points on the Ingush-Chechen border.

Chechnya's "presidential election" is over
October 6th 2003 Prague Watchdog / Ruslan Isayev
By mid-morning it was evident that the present head of the Moscow-backed administration of the republic, Akhmad Kadyrov, was in the lead. Final results will be announced within five days.

All Quiet on the Chechen Election Front
October 4th 2003 Prague Watchdog
Apathy and disinterest are the predominating features of this election. Every person in Chechnya is aware that Kadyrov is obviously set to be the winner. And after the withdrawal of his most serious rivals, the election is now but a mere formality.

Chechnya: Electing a Sole Candidate
October 3rd 2003 Prague Watchdog / Musa Tumsoyev
There is no doubt who will be the winner of the Chechen "presidential election." In the current situation the will of the electorate has no relevance.

Aslan Maskhadov threatens candidates in Moscow-organized Chechen presidential campaign
September 17th 2003 Prague Watchdog / Timur Aliyev
Those to whom the warning is addressed are both current and former presidential candidates including Akhmad Kadyrov, Khusein Jabrailov, Aslambek Aslakhanov, and Malik Saidullayev.

Chechen human rights activists to boycott presidential election
September 9th 2003 Prague Watchdog / Timur Aliyev
“If we succumb to the provocations connected to the presidential election, we'd risk becoming accomplices in the killing of our nation,” stated the key note speaker, Ruslan Badalov.

Chechen Press Minister Bislan Gantamirov sacked
September 5th 2003 Prague Watchdog / Timur Aliyev
Employees of the Press Ministry think that the liquidation of their ministry is directly linked to the election campaign of Akhmad Kadyrov, head of the Moscow-backed administration.

"Khas" - Chechen Sly As a Fox
September 3rd 2003 Prague Watchdog / Petra Procházková
Someone could be surprised that Ruslan Khasbulatov, such a favorite frontrunner, would suddenly withdraw from the presidential race. Perhaps "Khas" felt that one should never play the starring role in a farce twice in a lifetime.

Malik Offers Management for Chechnya
August 27th 2003 Prague Watchdog / Ilya Maksakov
"Russia must bet on a man who will not only be accepted by peaceful Chechens, but the guerrillas as well; and moreover, one who has not been involved in the fighting. Therefore, I recommend myself,” says Chechen presidential candidate Malik Saidullayev.

The Big Boss Runs for President
August 24th 2003 Prague Watchdog / Usman Dikayev
Akhmad Kadyrov is now the most dangerous man in Chechnya, who despite low popularity among Chechens has the biggest chance to win the October presidental election.

Chechen journalists ready to stage boycott
August 21st 2003 Prague Watchdog / Timur Aliyev
According to observers, the expected firing of Gantamirov is connected to his refusal to endorse Kadyrov in the upcoming presidential election, and to publicly support another candidate, Khusein Jabrailov, instead.

Human rights activists are against October presidential election
August 20th 2003 Prague Watchdog / Timur Aliyev
“Experience in solving other local conflicts has taught us that armed resistance must first end before any elections and referendums can take place,” stated Memorial’s Aleksandr Cherkasov.

Kadyrov's supporters collect favourable signatures using “administrative sources”
August 16th 2003 Prague Watchdog / Timur Aliyev
Local officials of the town of Argun were compiling lists of signatures that favoured Kadyrov by using personal data made available to the them by the town’s citizens.

Chechnya: From a pseudoreferendum to pseudoelections
June 6th 2003 Prague Watchdog / Musa Tumsoyev
Now with Russia's Chechnya moving from "referendum" to "elections", the solution of the Russian-Chechen conflict has been put on hold.

A list of candidates registered for the post of the President of the Chechen Republic (in alphabetical order):

Khusein Bibulatov - former district secretary of the Soviet communist party and then vice-premier in Jokhar Dudayev's government
Abdula Bugayev - chief federal inspector in Russia's Southern Federal District
Shamil Burayev - former head of the Achkhoi-Martanovsky district administration
Akhmad Kadyrov – the head of the Moscow-backed Chechen administration
Avkhad Khachukayev – lecturer at the Chechen State University (Khanchukayev was a member of the group that formally initiated the holding of the Moscow-organized referendum on the new Chechen constitution in March 2003)
Nikolai Payzulayev – member of Akhmad Kadyrov's press service
Kudus Saduyev - deputy CEO of oil mining company “Grozneft“

Compiled by Prague Watchdog.



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